workers sorting aluminium cans

Our Impact

10 billion containers recycled and we’re just getting started

Accelerating the circular economy by powering container deposit schemes

We have helped to drive behaviour change that has diverted more than 800,000 tonnes of quality materials from landfill and facilitated more than $A1 billion in refunds.

With each new container deposit scheme we have supported, we have typically seen beverage container litter halve within the first two years.

Importantly our goal is to create clean recycling streams that maximise the chances of drink containers living another life. We support the beverage industry by creating quality recycled materials. Our products and services help to develop and grow recycling schemes that deliver greater efficiency, lower risk and lower cost than what can be achieved by any individual scheme.

What we've achieved with our partners so far

How we are enabling partners to accelerate the circular economy

Container Deposit Schemes create the highest quality stream of recycled materials, which significantly reduce waste and “downcycling”. High quality recycled materials have the best chance of being valuable in the circular economy of packaging.

CES Office

Our valued partners